


Manage Account & Notices


Payments · shadowrocket免费节点



Bus Route Maps

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Visitor Parking Lots

Accessible Parking

Payment Methods



Permit Options


Bicycling · Electric Vehicles


Campus Transit




PTS Office To Close One Hour for Daily Disinfecting

The PTS office will close daily from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for cleaning/disinfecting. 

Stingerette and Fall 2020 Transit Service Changes

STINGERETTE: Beginning July 5, 2020, Stingerette service will be available from 8 PM to 3 AM, each day.  To promote social distancing, ride requests will be limited to one trip per vehicle at a time.  Wearing a mask is required when riding the Stingerette.


FALL 2020 TRANSIT: To help increase transit capacity on high ridership routes, the following routes will operate with 60% more service during peak times:

-Gold Route (Monday - Friday)



The following route will operate with a bus rather than a van to increase ridership capacity:



The following routes will have extended service hours:

Shadowsocks - whisQC:法国节点 ,测试速度还行,刷刷网页还算流畅 如何使用 有朋友说配置不来,简单写个教程 安卓用户下载影梭 iOS用户在AppStor中搜索下载[Wingy] 免费的那一个 ...

-Blue Route will operate until 11:50 PM (Monday - Friday)


The following routes will not operate during the fall semester in order to increase service capacity on primary bus routes during peak times:

-Red Route

-Midnight Rambler

-Saturday and Sunday Gold Route


PTS Office Opens, MARTA Pass Sales Resume July 27

The PTS office will open Monday, July 27, 2020. Office hours are 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 

影梭突然不能用了 - IT之家:2021-6-22 · 影梭 突然不能用了 楼主 广东广州 2021-06-22 18:35:44 先前用一直正常,到今天虽然软件显示连上了【图一】,但实际没连上【图二】,依旧不能科学上网,这是怎么回事 ...


The优秀免费代理软件 SocksCap64 v4.7 中文版 - 神灯分享网:2021-9-28 · 软件介绍 SocksCap64是一款代理软件,能让指定软件走socks代理。 与VPN不同的是,VPN连接后会断一次网,类似ADSL拨号,而SocksCap64可以让指定的某软走代理连接,同时支持TCP和UDP,因此可以用来做游戏加速,当然作者针对游戏加速写了另一款软件SSTap。 我非常羡慕sockscap64的作者,他的本职并非程序员 ...


News and Updates

  • Tech employees wearing face coverings

    最近事情有点多,关于SS(R)那点事儿 - Water's Blog:2021-9-19 · 1.旧事 刚开始科学上网用的GoAgent、fqrouter和云墙一些要签到的小软件,后来墙高了,听说有影梭(shadowsocks)、蓝灯,找一些共享和体验的账号,速度不稳定,一般看不了YouTube,再然后就是爬梯子的路上,别人推荐了当年大杀器的前身,gfw ...

    Parking and Transportation Services offers several convenient pay-as-you-go parking solutions for the days you work on campus.

  • 永久免费ss节点二维码

    Changes in On-Campus Services: What You Need to Know

    COVID-19 has changed the way our on-campus services operate. We understand how uncertain these times are, and we are working to accommodate the needs of our campus community who continue to depend on these services. To better support a reduced student, faculty, and staff population on campus and follow the recommended social distancing guidelines, here is what you need to know about Campus Services changes.

  • Tech Trolley and Stinger Bus

    Parking & Transit Accommodations for COVID-19

    Parking and Transportation Services will provide the following services to assist students during the campus closure due to COVID-19.

Upcoming Events

  • Aug 1-15


    SS简介说明 · SS使用教程:SS简介说明 1.什么是ss ss全称为Shadowsocks,中文名为影梭。 用于访问被屏蔽的网站,或者进行游戏加速等。 不能完全替代VPN,但是比VPN要灵活得多。 支持TCP/UDP代理转发,搭配软件可以实现系统全局代理,跟VPN效果相同。